X-ray mass attenuation coefficient


Enter the wavelength λ (Å) of X-ray and chemical formula.
X-ray mass attenuation coefficient μ / ρ (cm**2/g) will be displayed.

$ python3 xmac3.py 1.5406 C12H22O11
on “terminal” from the directory including xmac3.py,
%run xmac3/xmac3.py 1.5406 C12H22O11
on Jupyter Notebook in the parent directory of xmac3 directory including xmac3.py,
to derive the X-ray attenuation coefficient of C12H22O11 for 1.5406 Å X-ray.

Click (tap) icon on the right-top edge of the code area to copy the code to clipboard.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# xmac3.py
# coded by Takashi Ida in 2023
# Last update: October 25, 2023
import numpy as np
import re
import scipy.constants as constant
import sys

def main():
    argument = sys.argv
    if len(argument) == 3:
        wave_length, chemical_formula = argument[1], argument[2]
        wave_length = np.float64(wave_length)
        print("Input wavelength in Å and chemical formula")
    # chemical_formula = 'LaB6'# chemical formula
    # wave_length = '1.5406' # wave length in [Å]
    print('# X-ray Mass Attenuation Coefficient & Mass Absorption Coefficient')
    print('# based on NIST Standard Reference Database 126')
    print('# URL https://www.nist.gov/pml/x-ray-mass-attenuation-coefficients')
    print('# (coded by Takashi Ida, May 3, 2023)')
    print('# (updated by Takashi Ida, Oct. 25, 2023)')
    print('Chemical formula:',chemical_formula)
    form = chemical_formula
    form_list = []
    item_list = re.findall(r"[A-Z][^A-Z]*",form)
    for item in item_list:
        elem = re.match(r"\D+", item).group()
        num = item.replace(elem,"")
        num = 1 if num == "" else num
        form_list.append([elem, num])
    nFL = len(form_list)
    length = 1.0E-10 * np.float64(wave_length) # wave length in [m]
    MeV = 1.0E-6 * constant.h*constant.c/(constant.e * length)
    print('Photon energy: %.3f keV' % (MeV*1.0E3))

    xmac_dict = initalize_xray_mass_attenuation()
    list_element = list(xmac_dict.keys()) # keys of the dictionary elements_dict

    numerator_matc = 0.0 # numerator
    numerator_mabc = 0.0
    formula_weight = 0.0 # denominator (forumula weight)
    for i in range(0,nFL):
        symbol, number = form_list[i][0], form_list[i][1]
        if len(symbol) == 2:
            element_symbol = symbol[0] + symbol[1].lower()
            element_symbol = symbol
        print('Element symbol:',element_symbol, end=', ')
        print('Number of atoms:',number)
        atomic_number = xmac_dict[element_symbol][0] # atomic number
        print('Atomic number:',atomic_number,end=', ')
        atomic_weight = xmac_dict[element_symbol][1] # atomic weight
        print('Atomic molar mass:',atomic_weight,'g/mol')
        # file_name = "z{:0>2}.csv".format(atomic_number)
        # print(file_name)
        mass_attenuation_table = np.array(xmac_dict[element_symbol][2])
        # np.loadtxt(file_name,dtype='float',delimiter=',')
        macT = mass_attenuation_table.T
        macMeV = macT[0]
        # print(macMeV)
        idxmacMeVL = np.where(macMeV<MeV)[-1][-1] # lower bound
        idxmacMeVU = np.where(MeV <= macMeV)[0][0] # upper bound
        MeVL, MeVU = macT[:,idxmacMeVL][0], macT[:,idxmacMeVU][0]
        matcL, matcU = macT[:,idxmacMeVL][1], macT[:,idxmacMeVU][1]
        mabcL, mabcU = macT[:,idxmacMeVL][2], macT[:,idxmacMeVU][2]
        # print(macL,macU)
        # Interpolation...
        matc = matcL**((MeVU-MeV)/(MeVU-MeVL)) * matcU**((MeV-MeVL)/(MeVU-MeVL))
        mabc = mabcL**((MeVU-MeV)/(MeVU-MeVL)) * mabcU**((MeV-MeVL)/(MeVU-MeVL))
        print('Mass attenuation coefficient at',MeVL*1.0E3,'keV:',matcL,'cm**2/g')
        print('Mass attenuation coefficient at',MeVU*1.0E3,'keV:',matcU,'cm**2/g')
        print('Mass attenuation coefficient at %.3f keV: %.3f cm**2/g'% (MeV*1.0E3,matc))
        print('Mass absorption coefficient at',MeVL*1.0E3,'keV:',mabcL,'cm**2/g')
        print('Mass absorption coefficient at',MeVU*1.0E3,'keV:',mabcU,'cm**2/g')
        print('Mass absorption coefficient at %.3f keV: %.3f cm**2/g'% (MeV*1.0E3,mabc))
        numerator_matc += np.float64(number) * atomic_weight * matc
        numerator_mabc += np.float64(number) * atomic_weight * mabc
        formula_weight += np.float64(number) * atomic_weight
    matc_total = numerator_matc / formula_weight
    mabc_total = numerator_mabc / formula_weight
    print('Chemical formula:', chemical_formula)
    print('Formula molar mass: %.3f g/mol' % formula_weight)
    print('Mass attenuation coefficient at %.3f keV: %.3f cm**2/g' % (MeV*1E3,matc_total))
    print('Mass absorption coefficient at %.3f keV: %.3f cm**2/g' % (MeV*1E3,mabc_total))

def initalize_xray_mass_attenuation():
    xmac_dict = {\
    return xmac_dict
